CIS MVP Program Description
What is a CIS MVP?
A Central Iowa Sports Most Valuable player (CIS MVP) is a player who exemplifies the qualities of a great player and a great individual during play.
Who can win a CIS MVP?
Any player participating in a Central Iowa Sports tournament. One player from both teams will be awarded the CIS MVP during each game.
Who selects the CIS MVP?
The head coach of each team will nominate a player from his/her team and one player from the opposing team for each game played.
How can I be chosen to be awarded a game CIS MVP?
Exhibit awesome play, sportsmanship, motivation, team spirit and great attitude.
What do I win if I am selected as a CIS MVP?
1) An awesome CIS MVP award. Must participate in the CISMVP games to receive MVP award.
2) Recognized as a CIS MVP on the Central Iowa Sports results page.
3) Automatically eligible for the Iowa USSSA All State Showcase. Click here for more details.
4) Opportunity to participate in the CIS MVP Games held at the end of each season. Click here for more details.
How many CIS MVP awards can I win?
There is not a maximum number of awards a player can earn.
How do I collect my CIS MVP Award?
CIS MVP's will be nominated after each game and selections will be submitted to CIS tournament director. CIS will notify the nominated players after the event and instruct nominated MVP players on how to enter the CIS MVP Games. Click here for more details. Players that have entered the CIS MVP Games will receive a custom bat bag tag (or other award) from the event they were nominated. The awards will be available at the CIS Games.
Who can I contact if I have any questions?
Please email: CISMVP@centraliowasports.com
and you can be the next Central Iowa Sports Most Valuable Player

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